Monday, October 6, 2008

Grateful for so many things....

Lately I've looked around and realized that I have so much to be grateful for! Not that I haven't been in the past, but I look at some things people have had to go through and I am grateful for the trials I am given. They always say you would never want to trade problems with someone, and I find that very true. I've been so blessed with an amazing and loving husband, a beautiful healthy little boy, and so much more. I have so many friends who care about me and my little family. I have such wonderful parents who are my heroes and my constant examples. Wonderful siblings and their spouses who are some of my best friends. I have awesome in laws who are constantly there for us and always caring. As I look around there is so much in this world to be grateful for and sometimes I feel like I get caught up in the stress of life instead of the simple things that can make me smile.

As some of you know Kurt got laid off his job mid August. The market isn't very kind to many of us right now, but when he got laid off I was sad, but also knew there could be worse. As days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, I started to wonder if a job would ever come. Drafters aren't needed like they were a few years ago and many home builders are down sizing their companies. Lay offs seem to be happening every where, but I never thought it would hit so close to home. Going through this last month and a half has really pulled us together and made me remember that trials are there to help us and to make us stronger. Maybe not in the way we think, but in some form or another. I've learned a lot through this small trial of ours and have learned that I would take this trial in a heartbeat compared to what some other people have to endure.

I just wanted to thank all of you...friends and family for being concerned and helping find contacts for my hubby. Thank you to the Oliverson's for the opportunity Andy helped find Kurt. It's so much appreciated and you will never know. Kurt started a new job today and we are so excited to be back to having an income coming in and being able to get back to our regular schedule!! Thank you again to everyone. We appreciate all you have done! I'm grateful to have each and every one of you in my life.


I'm Mindy. said...

If only life were simple and perfect all the time. Of course...that is not possible. We have hard times to make us stronger. I didnt think it was possible for you to be stronger...and yet you are.


I'm glad it all worked out!
I hope he will enjoy what he'll be doing.
Taking peoples homes away from them isn't always pretty, but thats what happens in the foreclosure business.

Andy says he can always repay him by designing our next home...Which will be forever away...So, I guess he has plenty of time to create something FABULOUS!!

N Luthi said...

I wish i would have known my company was looking for drafter resently and I could have given him an option. Yeah for a new job though!!

Angie said...

I did not know that. I could've found a reason to move you out to COlorado. :) This was a fabulous post. Thanks for the reminder and keep meposted on how everything is going with the new job!

Kristin said...

What were you talking about when you said to me 'I don't word things well'?? This post was perfect, everything you said was perfect....and I think you are perfect & the best sister EVER! Yea for Kurt, but don't come take our house!