Friday, June 27, 2008

Favorite Parts of the Day...

Breakfast Time!
Breakfast is definitely the favorite meal time....maybe because sometimes we eat chocolate chip pancakes. I love em, and now Ethan loves them. Every morning he can't wait to get in his high chair and see what's for breakfast, the entire time yelling "mmmmmm" at the top of his lungs. For some reason I love taking pictures of him early in the morning with his hair every where and food all over his face. These are two of my favorites. How can you not love a face that can look so cute, and!?

Bath Time!!
Bath time is Ethan's other favorite part of the day. He loves it! He knows when we talk about getting him in the bath. He takes of running into our bathroom and screams and giggles his little chipmunk giggle until he gets to get in. The other night Kurt went and ran him some bath water, and of course he started freaking out. Well apparently we weren't fast enough for Ethan. He wanted to get in so bad he started throwing some type of tantrum. Kurt tried to get him to walk out of the bathroom and he started stomping his feet and throwing himself on the floor. It was pretty funny since we've never really seen him get that mad before. I guess it's a good thing that he loves it so much. Plus you got to love the wet hair and the long eye lashes. Why is it that boys always get the long curly ones?


Jill said...

He is a cutie!! Put him and Bennett together and girls watch out!! It's sad but the little tantrums they pull at that age are so cute. Maybe I think they're so cute cause when they get older they're are very much not cute.

Kristin said...

I cannot believe this kids faces & noises, hilarious! Everytime I'm with you all I do is stare at him and then look at you wondering what the crap he's doing. These pictures are great, & I agree the morning pictures are so fun, cause they're so funny!


I LOVE his morning CHEESER!! How CUTE!
I think I want to come over for breakfast sometime...Chocolate chip Pancakes sound GREAT!!

N Luthi said...

He is so cute Kara! I love candid pictures like that!