Thursday, February 12, 2009


Who doesn't love Play-Doh?? I loved it as a child and now Ethan is starting to love it too. I totally owned Snack Shop when I was little and made fries, ice cream, hamburgers, you name it, out of Play-Doh. I do say it has to be one of the best toys. Ethan loves it, and after being reminded many times to "Not Eat It!" he now gets the hang of it. And of course, just having Play-Doh isn't enough. I had to buy him some little tools that he could play with it. Maybe it's not my love for Play-Doh as much as it's my love that he is actually sitting and keeping busy while I get a few things done!


Kellie said...

He is so cute... and such a boy! I love that last picture :) Play-dough is the best!

I'm Mindy. said...

Yeah for play dough!!

Tyler has the same shirt that Ethan had on. How funny is that!


Play-Doh is GREAT!
It keeps the kiddos busy for ever!
Beware of it getting on the carpet...some colors stain....As I have sadly found out!
But, I guess you have a hook up for that!

N Luthi said...

I hate the clean up that comes with play doh but the fun factor is huge!