Monday, September 14, 2009

The Dreaded Question...

I'm sad to announce that the unwanted questions "WHY?" has now become part of Ethan's vocabulary! I'm not quite sure where this was picked up, it was bound to happen, but it's a full day of "Why?" after everything I say to him. Awwww....I guess the "Because I said so!" can now begin!!

In other news....we had a check up on Ethan's eye today. Things are looking good in the vision area of things, but his left eye is still drifting. We have scheduled surgery on November 6th. They will just work on one of the muscles in his eye instead of two. Hopefully this will be the last go around. The doc said that sometimes it just takes time and we are in the "fine tuning" stage. I really like Dr. Larson and feel like he only wants what is best for Ethan. He said today that sometime near in the future this will all be part of the past that we won't even remember. It's hopeful that we will get his eyes straight, however we could still be looking at more surgeries in the future depending on what Ethan does with his eyes. The doc said his vision has improved even more with the patching and is looking great. I'm grateful that at least if anything, wandering eye or not, that Ethan can see.

I will now go enjoy the this time while Ethan is napping and not asking me "WHY?"


Kristin said...

I am laughing right now as I picture and hear him saying 'why' all day long! It was bound to happen...he has so many problems/issues, love that kid! I am so happy his eye is getting better, and also that you are not freaking out, and realize this is 'fixable'...way to relax, you are getting older and wiser!!
Love you!

I'm Mindy. said...

Love the why stage!!! Hope you enjoy that one!

That is so great about his eye. It really is looking so good. Good job having such a great attitude about it. Never easy...

Jessica Madsen said...

We will be anxious to hear how things go with Ethan's eye surgery, and we will be thinking of him.

Rich and Nickie said...

Best thing to do in this stage...when asked Why...respond "Why do you think". That usually gets them thinking aobut something else. Because lets face it, they're not even listening to your answer when you give it. I'm sorry EE needs to go through another surgery. I hope it goes well...hang in there. At least some of it sounded like good news. Missed you today...I need you pushing me on Wed. so get that stroller fixed!

N Luthi said...

Yikes. dreading it! great to hear good things about the eye though!

N Luthi said...
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Isaac and Dallas said...

Why wouldn't he ask why? That is awesome about his eye. It will be nice to have it all done with.

Kellie said...

First, that is the cutest picture ever; he looks so big! I'm sorry about the "why" things... that means we're not too far behind! I'm sorry he needs more surgery, we will hope for the best! Let us know what we can do for you guys.

Jesse said...
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Jesse said...

Ha ha, the "why" stage. That I do not look forward to. Ethan is such a handsome fella! I am sorry that he has to go through so much for his eye, but am glad that things look hopeful. Way to be a tough momma!

The Broughs said...

Well Abby already started the Why phase... she started saying why all the time and I finally realized she was talking about the show on KBYU... Super Why! So I guess she really hasn't started the real phase of WHY??

Anonymous said...

WOW! I cannot believe how big he is getting!! He looks like such a big kid in that picture... so cute :)

Shell said...

Hey kara! I;m so glad you found us, now we can keep up with each other. Your little guy is so cute...your whole little family is so cute! Well, happy blogging:)