Friday, January 21, 2011

JAPAN - (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

Tuesday we headed to Costco for my parents to stock up on some food. It was fun driving there and getting out of the city. Out in the country there are a few more homes and tons of rice fields. We came back and let the kids nap and then headed to one of their favorite Ramen Noodle places. Everywhere you go there are only chopsticks so we tried to learn as best we could to use them. As you can see Kurt didn't get it down very good. He ended up with one noodle most of the time! The food was great though and I would have eaten there again!

On Wednesday we went to a place called Dazaifu. The AP's came with us that day and helped us get on all the right trains. They were such cute missionaries and I can just see how much they love my parents! The train was one of Ethan's favorite parts. Dazaifu was super cool. There were tons of little shops and lots and lots of little shrines. It's what I pictured Japan to be.
After seeing all there was to see we decided to eat at one of the little restaurants. It's customary for you to take your shoes off at many places in Japan, so we slipped them off and then sat on pillows at a little table. The food was actually really good; one of my favorites. We had so much fun laughing with the AP's and getting entertainment from our crazy Ethan.

Thursday we went to a Hakata Doll shop! My parents had purchased us all Hakata dolls this last Christmas and Kurt wanted to add a samurai to our doll. We went to a little store that had any type of Hakata doll you could think of. After the store we headed to a mall in the city and had some lunch along with some yummy crepes. It's so interesting to see how everything is in different from the US. The women's bathrooms have squatter toilets....which luckily I was able to avoid by finding one or two stalls with a normal toilet.
Later that night some of the missionaries stopped by with some chocolate treats for us and a "special" treat for Kurt called Nato. Lets just say the consistency looked like pinto beans and snot. It looked awful but the Japanese eat it with everything. I'll let the pictures tell you what Kurt thought of it.....
I was so glad that he didn't throw up on the counter, only in his mouth!
We also hit my mom's favorite store in Japan....THE DOLLAR STORE! We laughed so hard as we shopped with her. I don't think my mom ever went to the dollar store here, but now she thinks it's the greatest thing ever! We came out with some pretty awesome purchases. I've got a picture of my mom, dad, and Kurt, but my mom told me she would disown me if I ever posted I guess it will remain unseen!


I'm Mindy. said...

haha...Love the pics of Kurt. What a great country! So many neat things.

Rosalie said...

Awesome! What a fun trip! What a neat experience! Love the Ninja pic of you hon! VERY cool!

Kellie said...

So fun, and funny! I love the sequenced pictures of Kurt trying that stuff; Brandon did too :)

Isaac and Dallas said...

That's so awesome you guys where able to go and see your parents. For me I say let the picture show she has a year to get over it jk.

Isaac and Dallas said...

That's so awesome you guys where able to go and see your parents. For me I say let the picture show she has a year to get over it jk.

Margetts Fam said...

So dang fun!!! I am happy you guys could go and have that experience. Trip of a lifetime!