Wow how time flies. Was it really six years ago that I woke up early to do my hair, do my makeup, and start driving to the temple?? Was it really that same morning that the lady at the store forgot to take the security thing off my dad pulled it off and got green ink everywhere?? Luckily that stuff wiped right off!! Was it really six years ago that Presiden Winder turned the lights off in the elevator and told Kurt and I to hurry and make out before we got to the sealing room?? Or that he slipped us tic
tacs and told us that temple breath equals dog breath??
It was such a fun, beautiful, all I could ask for day! The weather was great, our family and friends were there, and we were sealed for time and all eternity. What can be better then that!? Six years ago today I married my best friend! Now in that six years he has become even more of a best friend, a confidant, a father, and the best husband I could have asked for!
Happy Anniversary babe!! To six years; and many more to come!