Thursday, August 6, 2009

Terrible Two's

Every day the minute Ethan hears the garage go up he yells "Dad home!" and bolts it to the hallway where he patiently sits and waits for Kurt to open the door. Kurt is then showered with a hug and a kiss and asked to go play on the swing. Not only is Ethan excited for Kurt to be home, but I'm thrilled! Let me explain...Ethan has developed the two year old attitude rapidly. Not only does he act like he is twelve, he tells me what to do and yells "No!" to everything I say. My patience level has grown very thin in the past two months. I have to remember that he is two, but when my nephew Jack asks his mom if, "Ethan is going to hit him today?" I remember the havoc my child reaks....(some lady told me that at Chick-fil-a, because apparently he was hitting her daughter on the head). Anyways lets not mention that Jack is 4 and looks like he is 8, so if he would just deck Ethan back I would probably have a child knocked out, at the same time learning not to mess with older kids. So in my opinion it would be a good lesson to learn.
By the time the day is over I have heard enough "no's," placed my child in time out for the hundredth time, and have taken away treats or a toy! So I love when my hubby gets home for the break that I get!! Don't get me wrong, I love that sweet face who gives me kisses for no reason and wants to be held to see his pancakes spinning around in the microwave, but I've come to realize that what they say about the terrible two's is TRUE! Boy do I love two year olds...I can't wait for this independent stage to be over with.


N Luthi said...

yikes! i haven't gotten there yet and i am definatly not looking forward to it!

I'm Mindy. said...

Oh Yeah, gotta love...terrible twos, threes, and fours...I honestly wonder if it will ever end.

(Why were my girls sooo good?) How unatural.

Glad I am not the only one that gets overwhelmed and thrilled when daddy comes home.

Walter Family said...

I TOTALLY feel for ya! Ashton's terrible twos have turned into terrible threes, so by the end of the day I'm all about letting daddy take over once he gets home, it's the only way to stay sane! You should seriously bring Ethan over for him and Ashton to play...they can be crazy together and maybe wear each other out! :)

Rich and Nickie said...

I feel ya...who knew that parenting would be so testing! Here's my trick...make sure you walk into their room each night before you go to bed and watch them sleep for a minute. You can't help but love those sweet little faces when they are not yelling no at you. That's what gives me the energy to start a new day! You're a great mommy...keep it up.

Kristin said...

I love the 2's...wait til 3!! Jack loves Ethan, even though he's scared of him! And how can I not laugh and love him...when he says 'Kwiiiiis', I melt! He's so dang funny! Good luck sista!

Annie said...

I have heard they are terrible until they around 4. I hope not, but Madi is almost three and is still a terror. She has here good moments, but I swear sometimes she doesn't listen to a word I say!!

Kellie said...

Oh Kara, bless your heart! (and bless mine too, cuz I'm afraid I'm right behind you :) All these comments aren't making me feel better... you? hee hee. Ethan is a cutie, but I'm sure grateful for daddy's who help us out too!

Isaac and Dallas said...

I love that Jack is scared of Ethan. That is so funny. He is a good kid. For some reason boys love to hit. Shoot me now.

Snyder Fam-Bam said...

Kara, he is PERFECT!!! I would give anything to go back to those days, enjoy it while you can they grow up WAY to fast. Call me whenever you need a break!!! Love you, and be nice to my angel boy!!! ha ha

hollyw said...

I hear you...however in all honesty, I know that 3's are way worse! I had to laugh about the chick fil a hitting! Every time I go anywhere Easton is hitting someone. The neighbor girl sees him and screams and then runs away!

Beth and Jess said...

He is sooo adorable. And Braeden hit everyone in sight. I think every single one of his cousins on both sides were terrified of him. Thankfully he grew out of it. Good Luck. But enjoy it. Unfortunately when he grows out of one thing the next is right around the corner. :)