Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Fun

We love Easter time! To start off our Easter fun we had our annual neighborhood Easter Egg hunt at the park. Thank goodness for phone camera's when your real camera dies.

We dyed our Easter eggs Saturday night
The bunny found his way to our home sometime in the night leaving eggs hidden all around the house. This year he hid the baskets much harder so that Ethan didn't have his own little Easter by himself....as you might remember last year.
We also had Ethan sit down in the morning and watch a little bit of The Lamb of God. That movie always touches me and I think it is a great representation of why we celebrate Easter. He actually sat and watched it, which surprised me. We lounged the rest of the afternoon, I slaved away to make some dessert, and then we got all prettied up to go to church
After church we went to Grandpa Russ's and Grandma Lynette's for some dinner and another egg hunt.
It was a great Easter! Great meaning to celebrate and always fun to be with family!


Kellie said...

So cute! I love all the pictures; I especially love the picture of Reese holding Kurt's finger, looking for Easter eggs. So cute! And I really want some of that yummy dessert you made!


Looks like FUN!!
Please make that dessert and bring it over. I will give you some of it! :) Looks YUMMY!

I'm Mindy. said...

Ethan was so cute at Moms. He was telling her all about the movie he watched! It clearly made an impression.

I'm Mindy. said...

Ethan was so cute at Moms. He was telling her all about the movie he watched! It clearly made an impression.

Megan said...

WOW! I sure haven't been on here for awhile. The last I saw was the jazz game post. Your birthday party was so cute, and your house looks great. Good job, you and Joc. Loved all the updates.

Shell said...

Such cute kids! I still just can't get enough of Reese! Such a fun holiday!

Isaac and Dallas said...

Reese's dress is so dang cute. I am glad Ethan didn't have his own Easter this time. He cracks me up. Looks like a fun day.